Sir Mark paid a visit to Christ the King Catholic High School on Friday 5th November to speak with pupil candidates, ahead of their annual School Council Election as part of UK Parliament Week.
Photo from left: Ms Holliee Nayee, Sir Mark Hendrick MP, Headteacher Mr Damien Callagher and Mr Dave Clarkson
Sir Mark was invited to speak to over forty pupils from across Years 7 to 10 who had put themselves forward to represent their fellow pupils over the coming year. After a short talk about the importance of democracy and speaking up on behalf of others, the pupils put questions to Sir Mark, including what made him go into politics, his main goals as an MP, the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow and his favourite hobbies.
The Student Election is led by English Teacher Miss Hollie Nayee alongside teachers Mr Day and Mr Clarkson. The Student Council body comprises sixteen elected representatives, four from each of the four ‘Houses’. Pupils voted throughout the day and the results were announced on 8th November 2021.
After the visit Sir Mark said: “I hope I have given the pupils some useful advice about representing others on issues that matter the most to them. I am sorry that I will not be there when the results are announced and I wish all the candidates the best of luck.”
Ms Hollie Nayee, English Teacher and School Council Lead said: “We would like to thank Sir Mark for his visit to our school as he spoke to 43 of our student council candidates during Parliament Week. Sir Mark’s visit to our school was invaluable to our pupils as they campaigned for votes, and he has motivated each student in their new role being a student council member.”
Year 10 pupil, Zaid who was elected as Student Council Lead and who received the most number of votes said: “I would like to thank Sir Mark for presenting his speech and answering all of our questions during his visit. His speech has motivated me and I cannot wait to represent my school as the Student Council Lead with his guidance.”
UK Parliament Week is a week-long celebration of ‘people power’ and ran this year from 1-7 November 2021. Schools across the UK were encouraged to participate in a variety of ways including speaking with politicians, debating issues, creating petitions to campaign for change and holding school council elections.