Press Statements and Articles
Lancashire Post Article
Preston MP Sir Mark Hendrick backs Free Palestine demonstration in city
23 May 2021
Public Statement: Sir Mark's statement on recent events in Palestine
20 May 2021
Sir Mark was invited to a rally and march organised by campaigners 'Preston for Palestine' to raise awareness of recent events in Gaza and Sheikh Jarrah in Palestine.
Although he was unable to attend, Sir Mark has released the following statement which was read out during the rally:
'I am sorry that I cannot be here in person to attend this rally but make no mistake that I stand with you on the issue of Palestine which is under attack even as we speak*.
All of this violence has stemmed from the forced evictions that were taking place in Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem and also the attack on Al Aqsa Masjid during Ramadan. I am horrified at the indiscriminate nature of the attacks in Gaza where innocent civilians, including almost 60 children in Gaza, have been killed in one week alone. More than a thousand people in Gaza have been injured. This constant bombardment has damaged the infrastructure to the level that it will be incredibly difficult to get crucial supplies and medical treatment to those affected.
Adult’s and children’s lives hang in the balance and I’m sure we can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to face the daily loss of life of the young and innocent, especially when we see our own children free to live, learn and play in peace.
The international community must make a stand and use all available resources to stop the loss of life. I have already raised this with the Foreign Secretary asking him to join the call with the United Nations to uphold international law and an immediate end to the violence by withdrawing the IDF. I have also urged him to impose immediate and meaningful sanctions on the Israeli Government whilst the illegal actions and evictions are taking place. I know many of you have written to me and I have to date received around 1300 emails calling for action. Rest assured, even without these email campaigns, this is an issue that is close to my heart and I will continue to pressure the Government into driving forward actions to bring peace to the Palestinian people.'
*correct at the time of writing
Quote from Blog Preston:
20 May 2021
“Adults and childrens lives hang in the balance and I’m sure we can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to face the daily loss of life of the young and innocent, especially when we see our own children free to live, learn and play in peace.
“Many people have written to me and I have, to date, received around 1,300 emails calling for action. Rest assured, even without these email campaigns, this is an issue that is close to my heart and I will continue to pressure the government into driving forward actions to bring peace to the Palestinian people.”
Palestinian Return Centre honors Mark Hendrick MP for his support of Palestinian rights
8th December 2016
The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) met with Mr. Mark Hendrick MP, Labour (Co-op) to present him with an award for his support to our bid to enter the UN ECOSOC as an NGO in special consultative status as well as his steady support of the Palestinian rights.
Mr. Hendrick said he was honored to receive this award and that he is committed to defend the rights of the oppressed Palestinian people. PRC discussed with him various topical issues, including the future of Arab-Israeli conflict and the UK foreign policy on Israel/Palestine and the suffering of the Palestinian people.
Mr. Hendrick stated that the situation in the Gaza Strip has deteriorated greatly since the first time he visited the region almost fifteen years ago.
In 2012, Mr. Hendrick led an Adjournment Debate in the House of Commons on the new political situation in Israel and Palestine after the United Nations voted to upgrade Palestine to a non -member observer status. [1] He led the debate and later questioned Foreign Office Minister Mark Simmonds as to whether the upgrading in Palestine’s status will affect the Governments policy in the region and what benefits this will have for Palestinian people and in trying to find peace in the region. He stated “"The vote should be welcomed as a symbolic milestone in Palestine’s ambition for statehood, rather than as “unfortunate and counter-productive”
During a House of Commons debate, happening while the 2014 Israeli war on Gaza was unfolding, Mr Hendrick said the following: ‘Given that the Prime Minister said in his statement today that the indiscriminate targeting of men, women and children is a war crime, why does he not condemn Israeli actions, rather than just making excuses for them, as he has done today?’